We love all our clients, that’s for sure. However, there is a common misconception that physiotherapists deal primarily with rehabilitation patients. This stems from both a common misunderstanding of what rehab entails and a lack of awareness of a physio’s full range of skills.
We’re here to set the record straight: Physiotherapy can help almost anybody. This blog will focus on the everyday heroes that keep our communities running day after day. Physiotherapy is accessible and especially helpful for these groups, and we love working with them in our full-service clinic!
Let’s get started.

Busy Parents
Random sleep schedules, endless demands, time juggling. Ah, the joys of parenthood! Parental obligations may be hectic, but they shouldn’t cause undue pain and discomfort. Physiotherapists are equipped to help working parents with many of the variety of physical ills that come with the territory of raising a child. Our goal is to get you back to focusing on child-rearing and less on your own pain!
For starters, most parents will hold their child on predominantly one side of their body. This can cause a variety of physical imbalances up and down the bodily chain. As a response to such imbalance, our body will typically overcompensate in other areas. For example, excess weight from carrying your child on one side of the body could manifest in back or neck pain on the other side, as it struggles to handle the increased load.
For starters, most parents will hold their child on predominantly one side of their body. This can cause a variety of physical imbalances up and down the bodily chain. As a response to such imbalance, our body will typically overcompensate in other areas. For example, excess weight from carrying your child on one side of the body could manifest in back or neck pain on the other side, as it struggles to handle the increased load.
Additionally, if this caregiver is tasked with other household tasks like floor cleaning and cooking, further imbalances can result. Most of us will operate a mop with one side or the other because it’s practical! It’s important to note that it’s not the action itself that causes the problem in most cases. It is the ensuing repetitiveness of such activities. Repetitiveness creates a type of muscle memory that is hard to counteract and adjust for on-the-fly.
Manual Labour Jobs
For those in trades, or other labour intensive jobs, daily duties generally involve lifting, bending, twisting, and working overhead. While such jobs keep you active and engaged, they can also lead to a host of physical issues and imbalances that can prevent you from working at your best.
There is a constant risk of injury for those engaged in relentless manual labour involving regular lifting, bending and carrying. Workplace injuries are a leading cause of lost productivity in the workplace, and no honest worker enjoys sitting at home without a way to contribute. Physiotherapists can work with injured workers to assess mechanical injuries, begin evidence-based treatment, and prescribe exercises and other remedies to restore physical health.

For other careers, the work may be less strenuous but more repetitive. For example, some people arrive complaining of wrist pain from repetitive motions of the hands and arms. While less prone to acute injury, they may be more prone to chronic pain. Such discomfort usually has a slower onset but can be complicated to treat. Nurses are not only on their feet for long shifts, but they also have repetitive physical demands that often go unnoticed by the general population. Physiotherapists can work with these workers to rehabilitate immediate symptoms and even help modify duties in a way that won’t affect employment situations.
If you’re facing discomfort or pain from manual labour, a Vernon physiotherapist like Cheri is ready to help!

Office & Desk Jobs
When we think of the typical office job, the risk of injury is not typically top of mind. After all, aren’t office workers blessed with a warm environment characterized by a lack of manual labour? You may think so at first glance, but jobs that force us into chairs for long periods come with their own physical demands and risks.
Our bodies were not meant to sit in chairs all day, let alone the typical office chair that lacks ergonomic support. Office chairs are well-known to create sitting-related imbalances that
contribute to a wide range of annoying physical symptoms. The most typical complaints from office workers include neck and back tension, as well as dysfunction and pain of the hips. The human body evolved over millions of years to move, so it’s no wonder so many people struggle with such symptoms.
Physiotherapists can work with you to address and treat these conditions and formulate strategies to prevent further dysfunction or recurrence. While it’s optimal for office workers to invest in standing or walking desks, this isn’t always a feasible option. An example is someone who participates in multiple daily meetings. We’ve yet to see an office policy mandating chair-less meetings! Instead, we provide practical expertise that can restore an office worker’s comfortability and productivity.
Not all heroes wear capes. Busy parents, labour intensive jobs, and office workers are the backbone of our communities. Their value should not go unnoticed, and we feel the least we can do is support their ongoing daily efforts. Physiotherapy is an excellent way for everyday heroes to address and rehabilitate injuries and discomfort, so they can resume focus on the things they care about most.

At Rose City Wellness, our mission is for you to thrive. Our Vernon physiotherapist Cheri Stewart can work with you to address many physical injuries. She has the skills to improve mobility and strength through manual therapies, and prescribe lifestyle modifications and specialized exercises. She works with patients 1-on-1 for the entire appointment, ensuring you receive the tools you need to get back to business!
For a more detailed list of physiotherapy services, please visit this page of our website.
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